Core Courses at Studienkolleg

The teaching of the core courses prepares you for the university entrance exam (FSP).

Depending on the degree programme you are aiming for, the courses are divided into the subject areas of technology, medicine, economics, social sciences and language.

After you have applied to a university in Lower Saxony and successfully passed the entrance test, you will start attending the core courses. The course at the Niedersächsisches Studienkolleg usually lasts one year (2 semesters). A semester can be repeated a maximum of once.

Students who perform very well in the first semester can be admitted early to the second semester or to a fast-track course. This saves them one semester. At the end of the Kolleg training, the university entrance examination (Feststellungsprüfung) takes place.


Subjects being taught in the Corse Courses

Core Course

for medical and biological degree programmes

Subjects taught per week:

Core Course T

for technical and mathematical-scientific degree programmes

Subjects taught per week:

Corse Course W

for economics and social science degree courses

Subjects taugt per weeks:

Core Course G/S

for humanities and language-related degree courses

Subjects taught per week:

(Kopie 7)

[Translate to English:]

Unterrichtsfächer je KurstypM-KursT-KursW-Kurs G-Kurs
Deutsch10 Stunden10 Stunden10 Stunden10 Stunden
Mathematik5 Stunden8 Stunden 7 Stunden
Physik5 Stunden8 Stunden 
Chemie5 Stunden4 Stunden 
Biologie7 Stunden  
Wirtschaft (VWL + BWL)  7 Stunden
Geschichte, Geographie, Politik  4 Stunden
Englisch  4 Stunden4 Stunden
Informatik2 Stunden
Deutsche Literatur 6 Stunden
Geschichte 6 Stunden
Sozialkunde/Geographie 6 Stunden

(Kopie 1)

[Translate to English:] Anwesenheitspflicht


Participants of the Studienkolleg must attend all classes and the regular written performance assessments (examinations). In the case of missed examinations, a doctor's note of sickness must be submitted by the 3rd calendar day at the latest.

(Kopie 8)

[Translate to English:] Anwesenheitspflicht


Participants of the Studienkolleg must attend all classes and the regular written performance assessments (examinations). In the case of missed examinations, a doctor's note of sickness must be submitted by the 3rd calendar day at the latest.